Course Syllabus

Math 107: Mathematical Reasoning and It's Applications
Syllabus #1466
4 credits


Dr. Keith Craswell
Professor Emeritus
Department of Mathematics

Full Course Syllabus:  MATH 107 syl 1466.doc


Math 107 is designed to give the university student who does not plan to major or minor in mathematics or other areas of science some idea of what mathematics is all about, some applications of mathematics and some recreations in mathematics.  Math 107 may satisfy part of the General University Requirement in Mathematics.  See your WWU General Bulletin or GUR Guide for an exact statement of your GUR in mathematics.

Except by permission of the chair of the Department of Mathematics, a student may not receive credit for any of Math 102, 107, 114, 115, 118, 156 or 157 if that course is completed after completion of any higher numbered course in this list or after completion of a course in calculus for which college credit has been received.

Course Prerequisite: MATH 99 or MATH 112 or college intermediate algebra course with a C- or better or suitable math assessment score.


  • MATHEMATICS, ITS POWER AND UTILITY (9TH Edition) by Karl J. Smith, published by Brooks/Cole (2009)  ISBN: 978-0495389132

The textbook may be obtained online through a price comparison website such as  Always be sure you are purchasing the correct edition of the book for this syllabus.


The course consists of 16 lessons and two exams.  The written assignments contain a large number of problems and you may expect to spend a considerable amount of time on each assignment, first reading the text and working through the text examples and then trying to work the assigned problems.  Do not attempt to work the assigned problems without first reading carefully through the supporting text.

It is advisable to set aside a definite block of time each day, or each week, for this course.  Make a schedule and keep yourself on it.  Discipline is important for successful completion.  Try not to let too much time lapse between completion of each lesson.  Successful students usually complete at least one lesson every two weeks, so try to keep plugging on.  Do not wait for one lesson to be returned before starting the next.

Assignments start in Chapter 2.  Chapter 1 contains some arithmetic which you should already understand.  If you don’t feel OK in Chapter 1, maybe you should review that material before starting the assignments.

Lessons should be carefully prepared and written on standard size paper with either pen or pencil.  (Pencil is probably better if you ever plan to make a mistake which will be erased.) Be neat and organized.  Many students have trouble in mathematics because their work is so sloppy that they cannot read their own results.  Answers are to be underlined.

Each chapter ends with a Chapter Review and Practice Test.  Use these Practice tests to make sure you understand the material in the chapter.  If you cannot do a particular problem on the chapter test, go back to the section in question and review the material and work a few more similar problems.

A graphing calculator will be necessary.  You are encouraged to make good use of your calculator at all times.

The problems indicated are to be submitted as lesson assignments.  Notice that each lesson includes more than one section from the text.  Do not submit incomplete lessons.  When you have completed a lesson, submit it.  Start another lesson right away.  Do not wait for the previous lesson to be returned.  Do not attempt to work the problems without first reading the section and following the examples.  Odd numbered problems have answers in the back of the book.  You can check your odd numbered answers to assure that you are working problems correctly.  Send in your lessons as you complete them.  Please do not save up lessons and turn them in large batches.  Please put lesson numbers on the cover sheet.  Do not use chapter or section numbers.


Your final grade will be based 1/3 on homework and 1/3 on each exam.  Note that a C- is required to pass the class.

Test I follows Lesson 8.  Test II, after Lesson 16, covers ONLY the material of the last eight lessons.  The two exams are closed book and you have three hours to complete them.  Hand calculators may be used at any time in this course, including tests.  You may bring to the exam one 8 1/2 x 11 sheet, both sides, containing only formulas from the book you feel you might need. If you do use such a formula sheet, please turn it in with your exam.  Remember to schedule your test well in advance of when you wish to take it. 

Information for setting up Proctored exam appointments is available on the Modules page under the listing Self-paced Proctored Exam Request Form and Information.  Please note:  Proctored exams may only be taken at accredited testing centers within the United States; exams will not be sent to international proctors

Important Note:  **Students must turn in Lessons 1-8 before taking the first exam and all lessons in the last half of the course before taking the second exam.  Any lessons not turned in before the appropriate exam will earn a grade of "F".**


ALWAYS make a copy of your work BEFORE submitting it.  If lessons are lost, it is far easier to resubmit a copy than to rewrite an entire assignment.  All assignments must be completed in order to receive credit for the course.  Under no circumstances may you submit all, or even most, lessons at one time.  All work must be submitted to the Western Online office.

Time Considerations (a message from the Western Online office)  -  Organize your time so that you spread the work out over 10 to 12 weeks, just like a regular academic quarter.  Treat your Self-paced course as the serious learning experience that it is.  True learning takes time:  time for reading, time for processing new information, time for reflection.  When students get into trouble in a Self-paced course it is most often when they try to rush through a large part of the work at the end of the quarter or right before their own deadline.

Remember that grading takes time and our instructors have other classes and students, other obligations.  Therefore, your instructor may not be able to grade assignments instantly, to accommodate your deadline.  Allow time for mailing to and from the Western Online office and also back and forth between our office and your instructor.

Holidays, Intersessions, and Summer Session - When the University is closed for scheduled holidays and between quarters, delay in return of assignments and examinations must be expected.  In addition, some faculty members are off campus during the summer months and delays may be unavoidable.  The Western Online office will inform students of instructor absences, but it is important for students not to wait until close to a deadline to submit work.

If you have trouble with a problem, work as far as you can and then write me a note indicating where you are having trouble.  As a Self-paced student, you will have to take a lot more responsibility for your own instruction than you would in a lecture class.  If you don't show me where you are having trouble, I cannot help you.


Students who are in the Bellingham area may also use the math tutors in the Tutoring Center at WWU.  Call 360-650-3855 for information on the center's current schedule.

For procedural matters such as textbook ordering, assignment submission and exam questions go through the Western Online Office. For specific  assignment questions,  include a note with your assignment or write to him in care of the Western Online office.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due