Course Syllabus

Math 107: Math Reasoning and It's Applications
Syllabus #1539
4 credits

Dr. Timothy Banham
Department of Mathematics
Bond Hall 423 | Phone: 360-650-2296
Email: | Website

Department Information

Math 107 is designed to give the university student who does not plan to major or minor in mathematics or other areas of science some idea of what mathematics is all about, some applications of mathematics and some recreations in mathematics.  Math 107 may satisfy part of the General University Requirement in Mathematics.  See your WWU General Bulletin or GUR Guide for an exact statement of your GUR in mathematics.

Except by permission of the chair of the Department of Mathematics, a student may not receive credit for any of Math 102, 107, 114, 115, 118, 156 or 157 if that course is completed after completion of any higher numbered course in this list or after completion of a course in calculus for which college credit has been received.

Course Prerequisite

Math 099 or Math 112 or college intermediate algebra course with a C- or better or suitable math assessment score.


The recommended pacing is one module every two to four weeks. Each module covers 3-5 sections of the textbooks and contains problem sets for each of these sections and a module quiz.  To complete a module, you should read the appropriate textbook sections, do the suggested problems, finish the online problem sets, and then take the quiz. It's that simple! 

Once you have finished all the quizzes, you should email the instructor to schedule your final exam. Unlike the quizzes, the final exam will be proctored using an online proctoring system.

Required Course Materials

  • Using and Understanding Mathematics: A Quantitative Reasoning Approach (5th Edition) by Bennett, Jeffrey O.; Briggs, Bill (2010). ISBN 10: 0321652797 ISBN 13: 9780321652799
  • TI-83/84 calculator
  • Webcam with microphone
  • Ability to upload work as PDF. There are many phone apps that can do this quite efficiently.

The textbook may be obtained online through a price comparison website such as  Always be sure you are purchasing the correct edition of the book for this syllabus.


The grades are determined by your performance in three areas: problem sets, quizzes, and final exam. 

  • 20% problem sets
    • There is one problem set for each of the 16 sections of the textbook
    • In addition to these online problem sets there is a suggested problems list from textbook
    • Problems can be re-attempted 3 times. The last attempt gets docked a 20% penalty.
    • You can try a new version of the problem to reset your 3 attempts. Only your highest score is stored.
  • 50% four quizzes
    • Quizzes are designed to be completed at the end of every four weeks
    • Each quiz can be taken twice. The problems numbers will change on the reattempt. The better of the two scores will be graded
    • Your scratch work must be uploaded immediately after quiz
  • 30% final exam
    • Honorlock proctored
    • Your scratch work must be uploaded immediately after final exam
    • You will get two attempts on each question. The second attempt will be with new numbers and will only be worth 70% of the original points.

Office Hours

Every week your instructor will hold open office hours on Zoom. You are required to attend at least one office hour every two weeks. To make sure office hours are well spent, please email at least one  question to your instructor 24 hours in advance of office hours.  Then show up to office hours with your webcam on and ready to engage!



Course Summary:

Date Details Due